The Daily Practice You Need in Your Life

How to let go of anger, daily physical practice, and why you need to hustle sometimes

The Daily Practice You Need in Your Life

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • Write Down Your Thoughts and Shred Them to Relieve Anger

  • You Need This Practice In Your Life

  • Sometimes You Do Need To Hustle

“Key to success is doing the things when you don’t feel like doing them.”

Noah Kagan

Lights, Camera, ...
Discovering new ways to tame anger has been a human pursuit since ancient times. According to a study in Japan, writing down your angry thoughts and then physically discarding them, like shredding or binning the paper, can relieve anger. This intriguing method taps into the psychology of physical actions and symbolic associations, offering a tangible way to dispose of negative emotions. The study's findings not only provide a practical tool for managing anger but also offer insight into cultural traditions like Japan's hakidashisara festival, where participants smash representations of their frustrations. So, the next time anger bubbles up, perhaps reaching for a piece of paper and a shredder could be the modern solution rooted in ancient wisdom.


  • When you're angry, write it down, then shred or throw away the paper. It's a simple but effective way to let go of anger and feel relief.

Lights, Camera, ...
Imagine this: you're on your usual morning run, the rhythm of your footsteps syncing with the beat of your thoughts, when suddenly, an idea strikes—a solution to a problem you've been grappling with, or perhaps the outline of a story you've been meaning to write. That creative spark, those moments of clarity, often emerge from the rhythm of physical activity. Whether it's swimming laps, pounding the pavement, or hitting the trails, the body in motion ignites the mind's creativity. Like a symphony conductor orchestrating the chaos of thoughts, a physical practice guides us towards clarity and focus. It's not just about staying fit; it's about finding solace in movement, about wrestling with challenges, about nurturing our well-being. Think about it—Churchill found solace in painting, Gladstone in felling trees, and countless others in activities that engage both body and mind. So, whether it's a morning jog, a sunset bike ride, or even a peaceful paddle on the water, find your practice. It's your anchor, your sanctuary, your path to greatness.


  • Start a physical practice. Whether it's a daily run, bike ride, swim, walk, or yoga session, commit to regular physical activity. Not just for fitness, but to unlock your creativity, clarity, and mental resilience. Choose an activity that energizes you and make it a part of your routine. Your body will thank you, and your mind will thrive.

Lights, Camera, ...
In a world that's quick to criticize "hustle culture", it's important to recognize that sometimes, achieving greatness requires going the extra mile. From the pioneers of Apple and Microsoft to the Apollo Space Program, history is full of examples where it wasn’t a nine-to-five, but obsession and hard work led to monumental achievements. While hustle shouldn't be a permanent state, there are moments when pushing beyond comfort zones is necessary for success. Whether it's getting a late project back on track or pursuing a cherished goal, embracing a sense of purpose can provide the drive needed to overcome obstacles. So, next time you're faced with a daunting task, remember: sometimes the difficult path leads to the most rewarding destination.


  1. Take a moment to define your purpose and mission. It’s crucial to know what you want and what you’re willing to work hard for.

  2. Be willing to hustle when faced with tasks that contribute to those goals. Whether it's clearing a backlog or pushing a project forward, commit to the extra effort required to make progress.


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